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Web Site List
for Fanfic
Fan fic has been around for a while, and here's a bunch of links i've found on the net.
When i get more time, i will try arranging the link by theme maybe. All links are listed
alpha-numerically by URL. If i find any mirror sites, they will be listed next to each
other under the same description. Sites preceded by ** have been visited and are up as
of June 29, 1998.
**The Gossamer Project: X-Files Fan Fiction
with **( Germany mirror)
-- pretty much the largest archive around; indexed many ways for easy searching.
** Jenn's
X-Files Fan Fiction Page
-- the gossamer links need to be updated; links to other archives available.
** X-Files Post-Episode
-- post episode themes.
** Angel ARchive
-- currently being re-vamped. please see
the Angst section for access to the
fanfic; angst, romance, UST, vignettes; all sorted by author.
** Shipper Shrine
-- selected stories for relationshippers; some links to archives.
** Em Fanfiction Gallery
-- original fanfic, listed with size and summaries.
** Luv's Loft
-- stories about Mulder; links to other archives.
** X-Files Interactive
-- fanfic in "Choose Your Own Adventure" (TM) format.
-- fanfic about NL; links to other archives.
** X-Files Fanfic Mailing List
-- mailing list for general x-files fanfic; also info on joining other fanfic lists.
XF FanFic
-- original fanfic, rated and summarized; some slash, some humour.
** MulderTorture
Anonymous Mirror Site
-- sadoMulderism available here; links to related archives.
** MKSlasher's Slash Page
-- slash fanfic focusing more on the emotional
aspects; links to other fanfic; pics of the kiss heard round the world!
** The
-- spoof fanfic following the adventures of Agents Fax Mouldey and Donut Scolded.
** X-Files Institution for
-- support for relationshippers and the love-deprived; links to shippers fanfic, updates
on Mulder/Scully relations, quotes, and other fun :)
** X-files Relationshipper's Gallery
-- fanfic, sounds, pics, and movies for relationshippers; links for shippers and general
**Temple of Modell Fanfic Archive:
Whammy Works
-- fanfic inspired by Robert Modell (Pusher) and his appearances.
** Slash
-- links to archives of slash fanfic, both m/m and f/f; links to mailing list.
** Badfic: The X-Files Fanfic Hall
of Shame
-- exactly what the title says; arranged by title and author.
Dana Scully's Slash Angels
-- slash fanfic featuring Dana Scully; over a dozen stories available, listed with file
size, characters, title and author.
Mulder/Krychek Romantics Association
-- slash fanfic, essays, message board, photo gallery, poetry, and links to other sites.
Mulder/Skinner Slash Society
-- slash fanfic, photo gallery, poetry, and links to other sites.
** Funny FanFic
-- archive of humorous X-Files fan fiction.
** Shipper's
-- for relationship fanfic of non MSR fans.
** Dawson's X-Files Fan
Fiction Page
-- FAQs, glossary, essays, story ideas, short fiction, novels and more.
** The Heathers'
MSR SMUTsters Paradise
-- tons of short/long smut stories, all MSR themes.
Fan Fiction Links Front Page~~ with
(mirror site) and
(mirror site)
-- fanfic, links, and archives.
** Walter Skinner FanFic Page
-- over 23 megs of walter skinner stories; organized by author, title and subject.
** X-Files Romantic FanFic
-- archive for shippers; mailing list, links, and fun.
** The Love is Out There: The M&S
Soundtrack Project
-- no fanfic really, but tons of songs for MSR fans, with lyrics suggestive of Mulder and
Scully's relationship; links to fanfic for shippers though.
** eXit 324
-- fanfic by Xphile 324: stories, poems; also links, pics and more.
** Gertie's 'Shipper
Friendly X-Files Page
-- fanfic archive, links, pics, and more.
** X-Files Plot Lines Page
-- some fanfic, unrated, unsummarized; just title and author.
** the X-Files: the truth
and the love
-- all NC-17 fanfic; also pictures, sounds, and links.
** M&S Angst-O-Rama
-- fanfic listed by author and title, categorized and briefly summarized, mostly taken
from the gossamer project; links to other fanfic.
** The Chronicles Of LabBoy
-- devoted to Agent Pendrell
** A Shipper's Home
-- fanfic and pics; over 20 texts here, listed by title; short summaries, keywords,
ratings available for each story.
** The X-Files
-- arranged by series, plus links to other fanfic.
** The 'Shipper
Site of Worship
-- links to other sites, news; lots of fanfic, photos; fanfic organized by series and title.
Truth, Trust,
and Love
Great X-pectations
** Agent Chloe's Fictional
-- some fanfic, categorized and summarized for easy selection
** X-Files Fanfickers
-- arranged by author; rated, categorized; with file size, key words, brief summaries and
indications of spoilers.
MABTNG's World Of Forensics &
The X-Files
Mulder & Scully Tactically
Laura's 'Shipper
-- fanfic from the Aussie X-Philes Association members; file sizes, ratings and categories;
arranged by author.
X-Philes Finis Romantics Society
Novy's X-Files 'Shipper Page
** Mulder/Scully
Romantics Paradise
-- for
relationshippers, with links to other themes in fanfic; links to other archives.
More Fan Fic
Cute X-Files
Moments Episode Guide
Mulder Scully
Romantics Unification Association (MSRUA)
Bisky and Verbal's
Shipper Haven
** DDEB's Creative
-- rated fanfic by David Duchovny Estrogen Brigade members; links to other sites
and archives.
X-Files Fan Fiction Links
X-Philes Romantic Association
**E's X-Page
-- fanfic can be found here but access may be denied if there is too much traffic.
Peggy Mei-Ling Li's X Files
Fiction Page
** The Truth Will
Set You Free
-- shipper fanfic, tons of MSR and other themes; links to other archives.
**The Sev Files
-- cartoon spoof of X-Files; consider it short fanfic in cartoon format.
** XFC
X-Files Creative
-- mailing list for fanfic; also tons of stories from the XFC
administrator - Jeannine "Writing Machine" Ackerson.
** The Eurisko Archive
-- lots of fanfic, sorted by author; only NC-17 texts are marked with ratings.
** The Rat Files
-- a parody fanfic written as screenplay; spoofing off Mulder and Krychek of course :)
-- newsgroup for fanfic
**The X-Files Fanfic Webring
-- over 150 sites linked! this is the largest ring of x-files fanfic out there!
The X-Files are © 1995 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation,
All rights reserved.
Visit the Waki Page-- my esteemed
home page always under construction
or look at the index to all my pages...
The Unofficial
Unembellished Menu
If you know of any sites that I missed or have any comments,
feel free to drop a note in the mail box below. Thanx for visiting!!!